Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Early Thoughts

The purpose of this blog is to act as a diary to record my thoughts and progress as I attempt to integrate ICT into the school programme. Currently we could be classified as a dithering school as we have heaps of IT gear but it's used in a piecemeal fashion. After attending a principals training course and listening to Liz Millar of Hitahitahi school I decided to make some fairly fundamental changes to the school programme. The changes recognise that literacy and numeracy form the core of primary education but that through inquiry learning we extend the children across the curriculum. I have some reservations but the basic model is as follows:
New Entrants to Year 4
Emphasis on highest possible standards of literacy and numeracy plus thematic topics and emphasis on authentic ICT skills and co-operative learning.
Years 5 and 6
Emphasis on high levels of literacy -- comprehension, writing, and spelling. Integrated where relevant. High levels of numeracy. Emphasis on integrated topics , co-operative learning skills, and authentic ICT skills.
Years 7-8
Applying higher order thinking to problem solving. Application and demonstration of high achievement in literacy and numeracy. Thinking and information retrieval. Emphasis on leaders with integrated inquiry thinking skills using high levels of ICT in authentic situations.
This is the Hitahitahi model but as we are a 9 pupil school we will be focussing on the basic theory behind the model.


Blogger richnz said...

Hi Rich, Rich and Rach here...
Enjoyed reading your thoughts and comments re school direction.
Seems like Matau is in good heart.
What were your lasting impressions of Navcon?

9:05 PM  
Blogger richnz said...

Hi Rich me again.
You've been a bit tough on yourself if you refer to your work as a "dithering school"
I've always been impressed with the level of motivation and cool ideas going on which I can steal!
It can be hard somethimes when you are so close to see the progress.
I would add that the level of integration of IT into your program is high.
Here at Toko we are also grappling with the integration of better thinking skills..... Next year we hope to get a specific resource or a specific course to guide us more in this direction. Maybe some opportunity of collaboration here?

9:19 PM  

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