Sunday, November 20, 2005

Enquiring into Inquiry Pedagogy

Hmmm it's a while since of written anything but I have still been trying new ideas in my classroom. Just recently in the latest copy of Good Teacher Gwen Gawith has really questioned what she calls the myths feeding a distortion on what good inquiry learning can achieve. It certainly reinforces many of the ideas that have occured to me this year but I need to think about it some more. It's a mongrel this thinking as it gets in the way of work.


Blogger Rachel Whalley said...

Hi Richard
Good to see you writing again. What is our 'work'. Professional learning is a big part of our work, reflecting on inquiry & pedagogy as you have been doing. Reading articles, reflecting & discussing with friends :-) A lot of things we are 'trying out for size' i have seen it in many of our classrooms - the important thing is to keep questioning it - what is the value - is it worth our time & effort - does it make a difference to our kids learning experiences? Sometimes its not - put it down to experience - do it differently next time - perfect your formula - though be flexible, keep adapting your formula as you go. Keep reflecting, keep writing :-)

11:18 PM  

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