Thursday, July 14, 2005


Well since my last comment we have had an ERO report and an IT conference in Auckland. My last ERO three years ago was a very enjoyable experiance. They could see what I was intending to do in various areas and made some well observed and constructive comments. They showed that in several areas I was actually doubling up on my paperwork and that I could cut down on a reasonable amount. They were also very supportive with what we were trying to do with IT.
Our current review fell woefully short of that standard. My BOT and I had to argue the point over everything and we were constantly finding that they had missed things. Things like the children's writing books, the fact that we had a swimming pool, (they parked outside it), and anything to do with IT seemed to get very limited attention. All our assessment is recorded electronically and it was very clear that it was given only a cursory examination or they didn't look at all. Then they commented that they felt I was spending too much time with the computers and not enough time on long term planning. I guess visions don't count as planning.
But then I jumped in a van filled with like minded individuals and headed off to Ulearn in Auckland. Great conversation, great food, great fun and lots of meaningful things to think about. I know that we are starting to undergo one of the biggest shifts in education since the invention of the printing press. And anal retentive dickheads who insist on us assigning a level for every child in every area of the curriculum have long passed their use by date. Ah well a weeks holiday left- perhaps I'll try relaxing.