Monday, February 20, 2006
Monday, February 13, 2006

Well I was sitting down to write something serious when the drug squad arrived. Very dramatic with a convoy coming up the road and a helicopter zooming overhead. They landed beside the school and started unloading all the marijuana. They told us that there are several crops with over a 100 plants just over the hills. The kids all got to sit in the chopper and Alice found something in the pilots seat.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
New Year

Well we are back at school and just as we all feared we have only four pupils. We have already rung the ministry to let them know what is happening. We will be holding a meeting shortly to discuss our options and then getting back to the ministry. Well at least the holidays were fun and here are some photos of my kids enjoying the swimming hole and my oldest daughter bJanelle jumping off the skytower.Janelle is starting a law degree this year, Mason starts boarding at Francis Douglas and Cameron is starting at MIdhirst SChool. Big changes for everyone.